The very first question may come in your mind that What is procrastination?
Procrastination is the action of unnecessarily and voluntarily delaying or postponing something despite knowing that there will be negative consequences for doing so. perception for doing so. In Rational emotive behaviour therapy ( REBT) procrastination is seen by ignorant or avoidant behaviour at 'C'. It means on the framework of A(ACTION) B(BELIEFS) C(CONSEQUENCES) the step' C'is avoidant. So, when therapist start assessing a person's procrastination problem to the client to imagine and encountering the 'A'( action) that he/ she is avoiding and to predict the major emotional 'C'(consequences). There can be most probability that people who procrastinate would experience the full range of unhealthy negative or irrational thoughts, emotions,If they allowed themselves to encounter their A's rather than avoiding them.
According to Albert Ellis-''When a person anticipates experiencing anxiety if he /she encountered rather than avoided his/her' A.' People who procrastinate tend to adhere to a philosophy of low frustration tolerance and this is manifest in two major ways, Firstly they tend to avoid experiencing discomfort, particularly associated with the tasks that they do not want to do,but which is in their own judged best interests to do. Secondly, they tend to be intolerant of experiencing emotional disturbance and rather than experiencing such disturbance and working it through, theyoften choose to procastinate and thereby avoid experiencing the disturbance.
So,it is important for the therapist to bear in mind one point that if she/he tackles the secondary problem first then she/ he may unwittingly reinforce the client's procastination by putting off dealing this primary problem in favour of dealing with the secondary problem.
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