A major goal for parents is to teach their children to behave in socially acceptable ways and to exercise self control. Nowadays children are becoming increasingly independent and their desires often come into conflict with those of parents. The result is typically a display of negative behavior by children and sometimes by the parents.The events might include the birth of a sibling, parental divorce, school on moving from Elementary School to Junior High School. The response of parents to those behaviors when they occur during normal development may determine whether the behaviors are nearly transitive or they will persist. The Negative behaviors that are of most concern to parents are non-compliance- refusal to do what is asked and aggression,such as biting,hitting and teasing. Non compliance starts as soon as the child can understand parental requests and can physically carry them out. Temper tantrum is probably the first clear expression of aggression. Tantrums can be s...
In my blog,I like to post articles regarding psychology, special education, poetry, quotes( motivational inspirational, relationships etc.) As well as questions like multiple choice questions, very short, short and long answer type questions for CBSE CLASS 9th to12th. Besides it CTET,UPTET, SUPERTET and for other COMPETITIVE EXAMS.