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Showing posts from September 12, 2021

तुम...( emotional quote)

  यूं कभी पंछियों सा उड़ते हो चांद में आशियाना ढूंढ लेते हो ख्वाबों की गलियों में गुम हो कहां-2 लौटना है अब ना कोई ख़बर है। ज़रा नज़र तो फरमाइए क्या है हाल-ए-दिल हमें भी गुफ्तगू कराईए हम भी चलेंगे साथ ख्वाबों के मेले में क्या करोगे तुम अकेले में ग़र ना चल पाए तो दुआ तेरे साथ है क्या करें... ये तो इत्तेफ़ाक़ की बात है।-2


  Fundamental Rights At A Glance 1.RIGHT TO EQUALITY(ARTICLES 14-18) Article 14- Equality before law and protection of laws. Article 15- Prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion,sex,race,caste or place of birth. Article 16- Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. Article 17-  Abolition of untouchability and prohibition of its practice. Article 18- Abolition of titles except military and academic. 2. RIGHT TO FREEDOM-(ARTICLES 19-22) Article 19-   Protection of six rights regarding freedom of; speech and expression,assembly,association,movement,residence,profession. Article 20-   Protection in respect of conviction for offences. Article 21- Protection of life and personal liberty. Article 22- Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases. 3. RIGHT AGAINST EXPLOITATION (ARTICLES 23-24) Article 23- Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour. Article 24- Prohibition of employment of children in factories,etc. 4. RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF

Guidance & Counseling MCQ

  Who is the father of vocational counselling? a)  Frank Parsons b ) William Thopar c)  Hewbird d)  Horeshieo ANSWER (A) 2.Who is  father  of Non-Directive Counselling? a)  Samual Hertleaf    b)  Frank Parsons   answer-( B) 3.Where was the first time career counselling started ? a)  In Boston (USA) in 1908   b)   England   c) China  d) Athens ANSWER-( A) 4.Psychological couselling Bureau was established in? a)  Allahabad (1947)  b) Banaras(1945)  c) Kolkata(1950)  d) Delhi (1947)  Answer- (a) 5.In which year Central Educational And Vocational Bureau was established? a)1954   b) 1945  c) 1964  d)1942   answer-( A) 6. Who wrote 'Choosing a Vocational Book'? a)Jesse Davis  b) Frank Parsons   c) Carl Rogers   d) Forebell ANSWER- Frank Parsons 7. Who wrote the book  'A Mind That Found Itself'? a)  Clifford W. Beers     b)Carl Rogers   c) Sigmund Freud  d) Frank Parsons Answer- (a) 8. Who wrote 'COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY' in 1942? a)  Carl Rogers   b) Sigmund Freu

social science (CIVICS) class 10 NCERT BASED

  Class 10 C hapter--Power Sharing 1.Which of the following statements is false? a) In 1956,an act was passed which declared Sinhala as the official language. b)A preferential policy of favouring Sinhalas for university education and government jobs was put forward. c)State protected and fostered Buddhism under the Act. d) Regional autonomy was given to the Tamils. ANSWER-(D)  2. Which is not one of the forms of power sharing? a)  horizontal division of power b) vertical division of power c) Division of power among social groups d) Division of power between people ANSWER- D 3.Define the following terms: a) power sharing b) majoritarianism answer-  Power Sharing-  When the power does not rest with any one organ of the state rather it is shared among legislature,executive and judicicary. Majoritarianism-  Majority community rules the country in its own way by disregarding the wishes and needs of the majority. 4. What is the main difference between prudential reasons for power sharing and


  खिड़कियां सारी खुली तो हैं फिर भी ना जाने क्यूं घुटन सी हो रही।।

तुम भूल रहे हो

  तुम भूल रहे हो  तुम भूल रहे हो... पन्नों को पलटते हुए  पढ़ चुके शब्दों की गहराइयों को  जो इस आशा से लिखी गई थी कि  पिरोए गए अक्षरों में घुला हुआ भाव  तुम महसूस कर पाओगे  तुम भूल रहे हो । पन्नों को पलटते हुए  कि पढ़े हुए किताबों से मिली तालीम  महज डिग्री की इमारत बनाने के लिए नहीं  जिसकी नींव कमजोर ईमान पर खड़ी हो  तुम्हें याद रखना होगा  इस प्रतिस्पर्धा के दौर में भी  कि इंसानियत का अहम् हिस्सा हो तुम  तुम्हें सुनना होगा  इस बाहरी शोर में भी  अपने अंतर्मन की आवाज  जो तुम्हारे इंसान से शैतान बनने पर  दर्द से चीख-चीख कर रो रहा है।।

Motivational Quote

  Self- victimization could be cause of maladaptivity.


  हर आंखें दर्द की कहानी नहीं छलकाता हर होंठ दर्द की कहानी नहीं गाता कुछ किस्से कभी पुराने नहीं हो पाते पर हर बेजुबान कुछ कह पाता है बस हर कोई इसे समझ नहीं पाता।।

silence( relationship quote)

  Silence is good but more silence can make distance from love ones.

खुद पर यकीन

  खुद पर यकीन का नया सफर शुरू तो कर, हुजूम खुद ब खुद उमड़ आएगा। नाचीज़ समझकर..-2  जिन्होंने छोड़ा था साथ तुम्हारा यकीन उन्हें भी आ जाएगा।। खुद पर यकीन का नया सफर शुरू तो कर, हुजूम खुद उमड़ आएगा। माना की धूप कड़ी है और तपन भी, पर मंज़िल से पहले छांव कहां मिल पाएगा। किस्मत की दुहाई मिली होगी कई बार-2 पर  बिना कर्म के किस्मत कहां बदल पाएगा।। हाथों की लकीरें देख ना घबरा, मिज़ाज जब जीवट हो तो इन लकीरों को भी तू बदल पाएगा।। कांच के आईने से लिया होगा राय कई बार-2, बिन अंतर्मन में झांकें, खुद को संपूर्ण कहां पहचान पाएगा।। खुद पर यकीन.... कागज पर लिखी और मिटाई होगी कई बार-2 आगाज़ जब तक ना हो, कर्मठ तू कहां बन पाएगा।2 खुद पर यकीन.... हुजूम...

Motivational Quote

   Stay where your presence is valued and your absence is missed.


  We have so many relationships in our life. Here I'm going to mention some important types of relationship- 1. PHILIA/AFFECTIONATE LOVE-  Without romantic attraction Both people share the same values and respect each others. It commonly referred  as ''brotherly love.'' In this type of love friends, families these type of relationship are included.And love catalyst is mind .The mind articulates which friends are on the same wavelength as you and who you can trust. How to show Philia- Engage in deep conversation with a friend. be open and trustworthy. Be supportive in hard times. Exchange your beliefs and imperfections with close friends. 2.PRAGMA-ENDURING LOVE- Pragma is mature type of love that develops over time.Its love catalyst is subconscious( etheric)  drives ,partners towards each other. This feelings comes unknowingly and feels purposeful. A unique bonded love that matures over many years. Love between a couple by putting equal effort into relationship. Comm

Relationship Quote


Social Science class 10th NCERT BASED CBSE

  Power Sharing 1. Which ethnic group in Belgium has the largest population? Ans- Flemish 2. Which ethnic group is in majority in Sri Lanka? Ans- Sinhala 3. When did Sri Lanka emerge as an independent nation? Ans- 1948 4. Which is the state religion of Sri Lanka? Ans- Buddhism. 5. The system of 'checks and balance' comes under which form of power sharing. Ans- Horizontal power sharing.   6. Who formed majority in terms of population in Belgium? Ans- The Dutch formed majority. 7. What does the word 'ethnic' refer to? Ans- Ethnic  refers to a social division based on shared culture.