What is an Intervention? First of all,we need to know what the interventions of autism are. Intervention for autism involves taking action,often which outside help to improve a specific condition or behaviour. A successful intervention requires the cooperation of the child,parents and therapists. When can autism intervention strategies be used? The effects of autism vary from one child to another.Parents,family members,and caregivers are the ones who can determine if a child with autism needs to undergo treatment to resolve harmful and unacceptable behaviour. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism is a development disorder characterized by abnormalities in social behaviour,language, and cognition. Children with autism are identified by around 14 months of age,when they fail to show expected normal patterns of interaction with others. They display repetitive movements and stereotyped patterns of interests and activities. The disease was first identified in the middle of the twen...
In my blog,I like to post articles regarding psychology, special education, poetry, quotes( motivational inspirational, relationships etc.) As well as questions like multiple choice questions, very short, short and long answer type questions for CBSE CLASS 9th to12th. Besides it CTET,UPTET, SUPERTET and for other COMPETITIVE EXAMS.