Language Development In Children With Age With age and experiences,understanding and cognition of the child improves. Gradually his language also improves. As child uses more and more of his cognitive skills and starts communicating and repeating language, child evolves more confident and his perception widen largerly. We can divide the language development process into following various stages- 1. Prelinguistic Stage - Prelinguistic stage is the primary stage of language development. This stage is for 13 to 14 months old child. In this stage,child cries,babbles and learns to express through gestures. a) Crying- After birth, child knows only crying. This is a natural process and reflex action. Along with crying,certain body reactions also takes place like reddening of faec, increase in pulse rate,closing of fists,etc. 1 month old child cries differently for different reasons. b)Cooing- The baby makes other sounds also other than crying. child makes different sounds while yawning,...
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