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Showing posts from September 5, 2021

Inspirational Quote

    जिन्हें  खामियां ढूंढना था, वो ठहरकर इसे ढूंढते रह गए जिन्हें खासियत दिखी, वो मुस्कुराकर  साथ आगे बढ़ गए।।

Motivational Quote

  कुछ को पाने की चाहत में इंसान खुद को ही खुद से खो दे रहा।।

Relationship Quote

  ख़ामोशी आ बात करें हम कुछ ना बोले पर फिर भी हर बात करें...।।

Is suicide a choice?

  The Suicidal Mind- " The primary goal of a suicide is not to end life,but to end pain". " Choice  implies that a suicidal person can reasonably look at alternatives and select among them. If they could rationally choose,it would not be suicide. Suicide happens when... No other choices are seen." - Adina Wrobleski, Suicide: Why( 1995) Many times a question,occupy much of our thoughts that " why did they do it?"  The Condition vs. The Catalyst- Most suicides are occasioned by a “catalyst” event: the breakup of a relationship, losing a job or learning of bad news. Misconceptions arise when we  mistake one of these isolated events for the cause of the suicide. Instead, it is more likely just the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” Scratch the surface and you will likely findy years of emotional distress that comprise the suicide victim’s condition.” That condition may be evident in some of these ways-  a)  Emotional illness-  Up to 70% ofp People who die

Inspirational Quote

  जिंदगी के रास्ते बंद हैं या खुले ये जिंदगी नहीं आपकी सोच तय करती है।।


  Agriculture Class-10 1. Which are the crops of rice grown thrice in a year? Answer- Aus, Aman and Boro. 2.In which system of agriculture a single crop is grown on a large area? Ans- Plantation Agriculture. 3. Which state is the largest producer of jowar? Ans- Maharashtra 4. In which country ' jhumming' agriculture is known as Milpa? Ans- In Mexico. 5. What kind of crop is groundnut? Ans- It is a kharif crop. 6. In which type of agriculture,High Yielding Variety of seeds, chemical fertilizers, insecticide and pesticides are used,in order to obtain higher productivity? Ans- commercial farming. 7. In which type of farming in India,there is enormous pressure on land,due to uneconomical size of the landholding? Ans- Intensive farming.

Relationship Quote

            ढह जाते हैं अक्सर रिश्तों के आशियाने जिसके नींव गीले हुआ करते हैं। बुलंदियों को छूते हैं इमारत के कंगूरे दबी नींव कब-किसे याद आते हैं!! कुछ हैं हमारे भी अपने जो वक्त-बेवक्त हमें बुलाते आजमाते हैं। आजमाईश का ये खेल, हम भी बखूबी निभा जाते हैं। उस 'आशियाने' को देते हैं रंग सतरंगी पर नींव तो हैं अब भी बेरंग.... वोऽऽ कहां समझ पाते हैं...।।

Social Science MCQ

  1. Resource& Development Class 10th "There is enough for everybody's need and not for anybody's greed". Who said these words? a) PT. Jawahar Lal Nehru b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Vinoba Bhave 2. What is total geographical area of India? a) 3.28 million b) 3.26 million sq. km c) 3.38 million sq. Km 3. Two states where over irrigation is responsible for land degradation. a) Uttar Pradesh and U ttarakhand b) Punjab and Haryana c) Jharkhand & Madhya Pradesh 4. The Soil which develops on crystalline igneous rocks. a)  Red Soil b) Alluvial soil C) laterite soil 4. A mineral in which the black soil is poor a) Phosphoric contents b) Nitrogen c) Humus 5. Which type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast? a) Alluvial soil b) Red soil c) black soil 6. Alluvial soil is rich in a) potash and lime b) potassium c Nitrogen and lime 7. Barley and rahi associated with  a)  Desert soil b) Laterite soil c) Black soil 8) Red Soil formed by a) sediments deposite

Inspirational Quote

 ओस की बूंद भी प्यास बुझाती है किसी की जरूरी नहीं हर बात पे सागर को सराहा जाए। जीवन में यदि खुश रहना है तो दौलत को नहीं रिश्तों को तराशा जाए।।


   नम आंखों से भी कभी मुस्करा लिया जाता है    ज़ख़्म कोई गहरे हो तो छुपा लिया जाता है।     जिंदगी में, कभी बेखुदी भी मिलती है...      उन लम्हों को भूला दिया जाता है।।

Mental Related Terms

MIND    :  is continuous flow of unnecessary thoughts. It means movement of accumulated memory through five senses into present life. Unnecessary interference of Past into Present. According to Indian vedic philosophy, this happens around  60000 per day  maximum of them negative repetitive, so they cause mental problems.If not a single thought is new from yesterday then no creativity and  thoughts come as evil. Meditation is useful when we just pay attention to these messy thoughts.They calm down momentum slowed and we can understand  their origin and with that  they end = NO MIND STATE = MEDITATION .  THOUGHT : As mentioned above it is unnecessary movement of memory ,past Into present life which is an obstacle ,disturbs , waste a lot our time and energy. It becomes as a barrier of our positive thoughts. THINKING-   "We think only when we need."It's not unnecessary movement. It is " ACTION "  which uses memory(mind/thought) as TOOL . SELF : It is one's int

Multiple choice Questions Class 10th

  Chapter-1 Resources and Development 1. What is the removal of top fertile soil cover known as- a) wind resources b) soil erosion c) stock d) Ravines 2. Technology is an example of a) Human made resources (b) non-renewable resources (c) Developed resources (d) renewable resources 3. Which one is not a type of  land use pattern? a) F orests (b) current fallow (c) Net Sown area (d) Gully erosion. 4. Which one is not biotic sources? a) Flora (b) fauna (c) fisheries (d) park. 5. Which one is not physical factor of land dependency? a) Topography (b) Climate (c) soil types (d) Population density 6 . Mention five ways to solve the problems of land degradation. 7 . What was the classification of soil done according to ancient India? 8 . What are Ravines? 9 . What is the oceanic area up to 12 nautical miles from the coastline called? 10 . Name a state where terrace farming is practised? Answers- 1. b)Soil erosion 2. a) Human made resources 3. d) Gully erosion 4. d) park 5. d) population densit

Explain Grief to Children

  Children are mostly an unexperienced when it comes to handling difficult situations and emotions as the reality of a loved one’s death and the concept of a death. Ways to Explain- a) Create an environment where children feel safe asking questions related to death. b )Avoid euphemisms that has “passed away” or “was lost”. c) Don’t chastise child for crying or displaying sadness and vulnerability phrases such as “suck it up” and “toughen up”, “you are the man/woman of the house now” “be a big kid” can be very hurtful on a child’s outlook on death and emotional health. d) “ Everything that lives, one day dies. Death is the end of living. When someone dies, their body stops working; they don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe anymore. It’s is not like sleeping. Once someone dies, they are dead forever and cannot come back.” these explanation can be helpful. e ) Give children the chance, when the death of a loved one is imminent, to say goodbye in a way that feels appropriate for them, or t

रिश्तों की चरमराहट

                        चीखने लगता है सन्नाटा                       रिश्ता  जब चरमराता है।                       दरार पड़ जाती है खा़मोशी से                           दूरियां बढ़ जाती हैं                       गुमसुम सी यादों से                             सिसकियां भर-भर आती हैं।               ‌                 

Health and lifestyle

  WHAT   IS   STRESS ? Anything that causes excess adrenaline to circulate in your blood stream, producing the fight-and-flight reactions of rapid heart, high blood pressure, sweating, dilated pupils, goose flesh, a slowing of digestion, increased blood sugar and cholesterol in the bloodstream, as well as accelerated blood clotting and increased circulating blood through the big muscles of the body.    HOW   CAN   YOU   PROTECT   AGAINST   EXCESS   STRESS ?  1. Eliminate fear from your life.  2. Respect yourself and love others - friend or foe.  3. Exclude all competition from your life. 4. Compete only with yourself.  5. Give yourself cushions of time.  6. Relax. Take time for yourself.  7. Exercise.  8. Rest. This is the stuff of which long life is made. 9. Sleep. If you are a sleep cheat reform. Nothing will age you faster or burn up the reserves in your stress bank faster than loss of sleep.

Motivational poetry

जीवन चक्र       कहीं तो गिरा होगा बीज सूखे फूलों से मिट्टी में दबा होगा,एक आस में  कि बारिश की फुहार आएगी ईक दिन जो देगी नमी ,मिटाएगी प्यास     फूटेगा बीज, खिलेगा पौध फिर से     ईक नए जीवन के लिए।।      इस आस में,दबे हुए ही सही इंतजार में है फिर से खिलने को दबे हुए ही सही, है जज्बा खिलने का सीखा जो है उसने प्रकृति से रचना। सजाना चाहता है अब प्रकृति को अपनी रचना से। खिलना, बढ़ना और फिर बिछड़ कर मिट्टी में दब जाना। विधि की यही रीति है जो जीवन चक्र पूरा करता है।

Life Style Quote 5s of Happiness

  Smile-  Smile is a key of Happiness. Whenever you see any person smiling, automatically pleasure feeling comes in flow. Share-  Sharing emotions is very essential part of Happiness. When we share joy,it increase and multiply into double joy.when we share sorrows,it decrease and help to feel relaxed. Service-  Any kind of interested service can give happiness. Surrender-  In some situations,we feel stucked and it seems unable  to resolve the problems or issues. In that circumstances, surrender is good option. Satisfaction - Satisfaction is essential for staying happy.

Relationship Quote

  Wounded Emotions are not visible but would be cause of chronic pain. Either it can be feel or understand. Never ever ignore the pain of your family members or friends. Be with them hold their hands and must say" I'M WITH YOU ."

Motivational Quote

  7P'S Of SUCCESS Purpose Planning Patience Positivity Performance Punctuality Perseverance