DESCRIPTION - FOR NET , RET PGT AND OTHER EXAMS 1. Who initiated the two - factor theory of intelligence ? a) Thorndike b) Spearman c) Thurstone d) Guilford Ans- ( b ) 2. Who among the following had given the ‘Structural theory’ of intelligence? a) Spearman b) Thurstone c) Guildford d) Thorndike Ans- (c) 3. The term ‘cognition’ means? a) Knowing and understanding the world b) To feel something c) To take action Ans- ( b ) 4. Primary factors of counselling are: a) Cognition, affection and conation b) Thinking, advicing and judging c) Thinking, perceiving and advicing Ans- ( a ) 5. Binet and Simon published two subsequent revisions of the--- test scale. a) 1903 b) 1905 c) 1902 d) 1907 ANS- 1905 6. Which of the following terms is derived from a Latin word, framed by Cicero to translate a Greek word used by Aristotle to including all cognitive processes? a) Perception b) Memory c) Intelligence d) Learning Ans- (c) 7. Who said to be...
In my blog,I like to post articles regarding psychology, special education, poetry, quotes( motivational inspirational, relationships etc.) As well as questions like multiple choice questions, very short, short and long answer type questions for CBSE CLASS 9th to12th. Besides it CTET,UPTET, SUPERTET and for other COMPETITIVE EXAMS.