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Showing posts from October 31, 2021

कब कर पाएंगे( life inspirational poetry written by Pallavi Mishra)

  किताबों का फलसफा तो पढ़ चुके है लोग -2 जिंदगी के आईने में कब उतार पाएंगे?  घर की औरतों में है मां दुर्गा का अं श-2  इस रूप को कब पहचान पाएंगे?  पैसों का कोई सेज नहीं होता-2  यह बात कब जान पाएंगे?  बेटे के लायक होने का गुरुर -2 दहेज को ना करके कब सराह पाएंगे?   हो सकता है मधुर संबंध एक मुस्कुराहट से  पर पहले आप, पहले आप का जुमला  कब तक दोहराएंगे?  सही है यह-2,  जानते हुए भी,  लोग क्या कहेंगे इस बात से  कब तक  घबराएं?  अच्छा छोड़ो यह सब बातें  बस यह बता दो इन बातों पर वाह-वाह  कब कर जाएंगे -2 WRITTEN BY PALLAVI MISHRA  

मेरे आंगन में( poetry on life written by Pallavi Mishra)

 मेरे आंगन  में मेरे आंगन में आज  एक फूल खिला है जिसकी पौध कई दिनों से सहमी थी। साहस खत्म हो रहा था खिलने का पत्तियाँ भी धीरे-धीरे छोड़ रही थी उसका साथ।                       वो सूखी सी... मुरझाई रहती                       लोगआते-जाते देखते थे उसका हाल।                       कोई खाद डालने को कहता, कोई पानी                      ‌ नसीहतों के तौर पर,                        बहुत लोग, बहुत कुछ कह जाते थे। वो पौध… चुपचाप सुनता रहता हर बात सोचता कोई तो पूछ लेता मेरे सूखने की वजह           कोई तो ठहरता मेरे पास, निहारता मेरी ओर कि समझ पाए मेरा हाल।                       एक दिन मेरी नजर पड़ी उस पौध पर                         उसे सींचा...सहेजा                        अपने आंगन में लाकर। अब पल्लवित हो रहीं हैं उसकी कलियां उन्हें पता है जीवन तो दो-चार दिनों का है जिसमें छांव संग धूप भी फिर भी अब वो खिल जाते हैं साहस और उमंग से तेज  चिलचिलाती धूप में भी..।। आज फिर से फूल खिला है उस पौध में कई दिनों बाद उस पौध में कई दिनों बाद।।             -By Pallavi Mishra 

Motivational Quote (Don't make haste)

  Give yourself a credit as a result of you are doing higher. It's okay to require an opportunity for once in a very whereas to breathe, to rest. Don't build haste


   Mental Health Definition Many time, we use the term ‘Mental Health’ what it does mean? Why it is important? For all these questions here I’m defining Mental Health. Mental health can be defined as a good balance in all parts of life as: social,physical, spiritual, economical  emotional etc. Balance will be unique personally and socially both. Mental Health means how a person make their  thinking process,how they perceive and act ,what is their attitude towards life’. It would be explain that individuals look at themselves, their lives, and evaluate challenges, issues and find choices or options.  Now, question may come in mind that how can we make balance to stay mentally healthy. So, here are some valuable tips to keep ourselves mentally healthy-                                                                            v   Build a Healthy Self - Esteem - Self-esteem is like being able to see all your abilities and weakness together, admitting them and doing your best wi

Seasonal Affective Disorder In Psychology

  What Seasonal Affective Disorder in Psychology? Many people experience short periods of time where people feel sad or feel like uneasy. Many times, these mood swings start and end when the season change. It would be that that people start to feel down when the days of winter get shorter, it also called 'winter blues' and begin to feel good or better in the spring, with longer daylight hours. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) symptoms start in the late fall or early winter and go away during the spring and summer, this is known   as winter-pattern SAD Or winter depression .Some people may experience depressive states during the spring and summer months, it is called summer-pattern seasonal Affective disorder (SAD) or summer depression. The Signs  and Symptoms of SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a kind of depression characterized by its recurrent seasonal set, with symptoms lasting about 4 to 5 months per year. So, the signs and symptoms of SAD include those as

Happy Chhoti Diwali


Happy dhanteras

  नारायणांशो भगवान् स्वयं धन्वन्तरिर्ममहान्। पुरा समुंद्रमथने समत्तस्थौ महोदधेः।। सर्व वेदेषु निष्णातो मंत्र तंत्र विशारदः। शिष्यो हि बैनतेयस्य शंकरस्योपशिष्यक।। अर्थात् भगवान धन्वंतरि स्वयं नारायण के अंश रूप मे समुद्र मंथन से प्रकट हुए। धन्वंतरि समस्त वेदो के ज्ञाता, मंत्र-तंत्र मे निष्णात गरूडजी के शिष्य तथा भगवान शंकर के उप शिष्य है। इस धन्वतरि पर्व के शुभ अवसर पर आप सबको हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

Happy Diwali

  अमावस के अंदर से ना दिल किसी का काला हो,   साफ मन में दीप उजाले वाला हो  खुशहाली का द्वार खुले ,ऐसी शुभ दीपावली हो।

Motivational Quote

  I f you see yourself not being sensible at stuff  you do, then listen and see however some wordlessly loving stuff  you are capable of doing.  Don't belittle yourself. 

Mental Disorders ICD10

  1) Mental Disorders- ICD10 category F00-F09 F00- Dementia in Alzheimer's Disease F01- Vascular Dementia F02- Dementia in other disease classified elsewhere F03- Unspecified dementia F04- Organic amnestic syndrome,not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances. F05- Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances. F06-  Other mental Disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease. F07- Personality and Behavioral disorders  due to brain disease,damage and dysfunction. F08-  Unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorders. 2) Mental and Behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance  use- ICD category F10-F19 F10- Mental and Behavioral disorders due to use of alcohol. F11- Mental and Behavioral disorders due to use of opioids F12-  Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of cannabinoids.10 F13- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics. F14- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of cocaine.


  Meaning Of Transactional Analysis- Transactional Analysis could be a well known sort of trendy scientific discipline,and one among the foremost accessible theory of scientific discipline. In easy terms, Transactional Analysis is intended  to push personal growth and change. It is considered a fundamental therapy for well-being and for serving to individuals to succeed in their full potential in all  told aspects of life. Ego-states of Transactional Analysis- Transactional Analysis was based by Eric Berne in the late 1950s. According to this theory , each person has three ego-states: parents, adult and child.   THE PAC MODEL- a)       PARENTS- Unmoving within  the past, a set of thoughts, feelings and behaviors learnt from our parents and alternative necessary folks. This is a part of our personality like temperament can be supportive or critical. b)       ADULT-  Unmoving within the present, relates to direct responses in the ’’here and now’’ that are not influenced b

Motivational Quote

  “ Sometimes, you just need to lot of space for positivity to settle. Take a breathe. Break some patterns. Mess up a little bit. And even without forcing it, you’ll feel your own chaos calming down.”

Political Science multiple choice questions ( NCERT Based)class 11th

                                                                             Choose the correct option: (10 marks) 1.      Which of these is not a function of the constitution? A)     It gives a guarantee of the rights of the citizen. B)     It marks out different spheres of power for different branches of government. C)      It ensures that good people come to power. D)     It gives expression to some shared values. 2.      Which of the following is a good reason to conclude that the authority of the constitution is higher than that of the parliament? A)     The constitution was framed before the parliament came into being. B)     The constitution makers were more eminent leaders than the members of the parliament. C)      The constitution specifics how parliament is to be formed and what ate its powers. D)     The constitution cannot be amended by the parliament. 3.      Which of the following is common to the method of election of the members of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha? A)     Eve


  1. Explain the role played by Steam Engine in the process of industrialisation in England. Ans- Steam Engine incresed productivity and efficiency of industries. There were 80 steam engines in cotton industries, 9 in wool and the rest in mining,canal works and iron works. 2. Why did hand labour continue to be important in England in the 19th century ? Ans - A number of products could  be produced only with hand labour. Many goods with intricate designs and specific shapes could be only hand made. 3. When were the first factories set up in India? Ans - The factories set up in India: The first cotton mill that came up in India was set up in 1854. In 1855, in Bengal, first jute mill was eastablished. In the north India the Elgin mill was set up in kanpur in 1860. A cotton mill came up in Ahmedabad in 1861. In 1874,first spinning and weaving mill was set up in Madras. 4. Who was a jobber? Ans - usually employed a jobber to get new recruits. He was often an old and trusted worker who got p