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Seasonal Affective Disorder In Psychology


What Seasonal Affective Disorder in Psychology?

Many people experience short periods of time where people feel sad or feel like uneasy. Many times, these mood swings start and end when the season change. It would be that that people start to feel down when the days of winter get shorter, it also called 'winter blues' and begin to feel good or better in the spring, with longer daylight hours.

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) symptoms start in the late fall or early winter and go away during the spring and summer, this is known  as winter-pattern SAD Or winter depression .Some people may experience depressive states during the spring and summer months, it is called summer-pattern seasonal Affective disorder (SAD) or summer depression.

The Signs  and Symptoms of SAD-

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a kind of depression characterized by its recurrent seasonal set, with symptoms lasting about 4 to 5 months per year. So, the signs and symptoms of SAD include those associated with major depression (according to NIMH).

Symptoms of major depression may include-

1.       Feeling depressed most of the day, nearly everyday.

2.       Losing interest in activities.

3.       Having problems with sleep.

4.       Feeling sluggish or agitated.

5.       Having low energy.

6.       Having difficulty concentrating.

7.       Having low energy.

In winter-pattern seasonal Affective Disorder, more specific Signs and Symptoms may include-

         ·         Hypersomnia

         ·         Overeating, especially with a craving for carbohydrates 

         ·         Weight gain

         ·         Social Withdrawal

            Major symptoms for summer-pattern Seasonal Affected Disorder may include-

          ·         Trouble sleeping (insomnia)

          ·         Poor Appetite, leading to weight loss

          ·         Restlessness and agitation

          ·         Anxiety

          ·         Episodes of violent behavior

       What causes seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

                        Scientists do not  understand completely what causes seasonal affective disorder. Few researches say that people with SAD may have lessen activity of the brain chemical (neurotransmitter) serotonin, which can be helpful to regulate mood. Deficiency of vitamin D  could be reason of these problems because Vitamin D is a good promoter of serotonin activity. Additionally, Vit-D consumed with diet, the body produces vitamin D when faced to sunlight on the skin.

Can Seasonal Affected Disorder be prevented?

Because the duration of winter pattern Seasonal Affected Disorder is so predictable, people with a history of  issues with seasonal affected disorder. Light therapy or psychotherapy could prevent the onset of depression if interventions start earlier.

How is Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) ?

There are four main types of therapy that could be used single  or in combination:

a)       Light Therapy b) Antidepressant medications c) w d) Vitamin D

People  should have to discuss with their health care professionals if they want to initiate treatment early to prevent depressive episodes.


Resource-( National Institute of Mental Health)


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