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 1. Explain the role played by Steam Engine in the process of industrialisation in England.

Ans- Steam Engine incresed productivity and efficiency of industries. There were 80 steam engines in cotton industries, 9 in wool and the rest in mining,canal works and iron works.

2. Why did hand labour continue to be important in England in the 19th century?

Ans- A number of products could  be produced only with hand labour. Many goods with intricate designs and specific shapes could be only hand made.

3. When were the first factories set up in India?

Ans- The factories set up in India:

  • The first cotton mill that came up in India was set up in 1854.
  • In 1855, in Bengal, first jute mill was eastablished.
  • In the north India the Elgin mill was set up in kanpur in 1860.
  • A cotton mill came up in Ahmedabad in 1861.
  • In 1874,first spinning and weaving mill was set up in Madras.
4. Who was a jobber?
Ans- usually employed a jobber to get new recruits. He was often an old and trusted worker who got people from his village,ensured them jobs, helped them settle and provided them money in times of crisis.
5. Describe the important features of 'Proto-industrialisation phase' in Europe.
Ans- 1.This phase of industrialisation took shape in the 17th and 18th century.
2.    Merchants in towns moved to villages to persuade artisans to produce for an international market
3.Poor peasants and artisans in villages bagan working for the merchants from their houses to make a little extra income.
4. This system is generally called the domestic system or family based production using primitive tools and backward methods of production.
6. What problems did the Indian weavers had to face when Manchester Came to India?
Ans- There are two problems;
  1. THeir export market collapsed and the local market shrank being glutted with the Manchester  imports. Goods were produced by machines at the lower price,the imported goods were so cheap  that weavers could not easily compete with them.
  2. By 1860s, weavers faced a new problem, they could not get sufficient supply of raw cotton of good quality. When the American Civil War broke out and the cotton supplies from the US were cut off, Britain turned to India and as the exports increased the prices shot up. Weavers in India were forced to buy it at very high prices.
  3. Factories in India began flooding the market with machine-made goods.
7. How far did building activities play a role in opening up employment opportunities?
Ans- After 1840, several kinds of constructions and building activities started in cities. They included road building, tunnel making, construction of drainage and railways. They provided job opportunities.


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