1) Mental Disorders- ICD10 category F00-F09
F00- Dementia in Alzheimer's Disease
F01- Vascular Dementia
F02- Dementia in other disease classified elsewhere
F03- Unspecified dementia
F04- Organic amnestic syndrome,not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances.
F05- Delirium, not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances.
F06- Other mental Disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease.
F07- Personality and Behavioral disorders due to brain disease,damage and dysfunction.
F08- Unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorders.
2) Mental and Behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use- ICD category F10-F19
F10- Mental and Behavioral disorders due to use of alcohol.
F11- Mental and Behavioral disorders due to use of opioids
F12- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of
F13- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics.
F14- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of cocaine.
F15- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of other stimulants, includings caffeine.
F16- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of hallucinogens.
F17- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of tobacco.
F18- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to use of volatile solvents.
F19- Mental and Behavioral Disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances.
3)Schizotypal and Delusional Disorders ICD Category F20- F29
F20- Schizophrenia
F21- Schizotypal disorders
F22- Persistent delusional disorders
F23- Acute and transient psychotic disorders
F24- Induced delusional disorders
F25- Schizoaffective disorders
F28- Other non- organic psychotic disorders
F29- Unspecified non- organic psychosis
4) Mood ( Affective) Disorder ICD category F30- F39
F30- Manic episode
F31- Bipolar and Affective Disorder
F32- Depressive episode
F33- Recurrent Depressive Disorders
F34- Persistent mood ( Affective) Disorder
F38- Other mood (Affective) Disorder
F39- Unspecified mood (Affective) Disorder
5) Neurotic, Stress Related and Somatoform Disorders- ICD category F40- F49
F40- Phobia Anxiety Disorders
F41- Other Anxiety Disorders
F42- Obsessive- Compulsive Disorders
F43- Reaction to severe stress and adjustment Disorders
F44- Dissociative ( conversion) Disorders
F45- Somatoform Disorders
F48- Other Neurotic Disorders
6) Syndromes Associated with Physiological Disturbance and Physical factors- ICD category F50-F59
F50- Eating Disorders
F51- Nonorganic sleep disorders
F52- Sexual dysfunctional,not caused by organic Disorders or disease
F53- Mental and Behavioral Disorders associated with the puerperium not elsewhere classified.
F54- Psychological and Behavioral factors associated with Disorder or disease classified elsewhere.
F55- Abuse of non- dependence - producing substances
F59- Unspecified Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and Physical factors.
7) Personality and Behavioral- ICD category F60-F69
F60- Specific Personality Disorder
F61- Mixed and other Personality Disorder
F62- Enduring Personality changes, not attributable to brai brain damage and disease
F63- Habit and impulse Disorder
F64- Gender Identity Disorder
F65- Disorder of sexual preference
F66- Psychological and Behavioral Disorders associated with sexual Development and orientation
F68- Other Disorders of adult Personality and behaviour.
F69- Unspecified Disorders of Adult Personality and Behavioral
8) Mental Retardation- ICD category F70-F79
F70- Mild Mental Retardation
F71- Moderate Mental Retardation
F72- Severe mental Retardation
F73- Profound Mental Retardation
F78- Other Mental Retardation
F79- Unspecified Mental Retardation
9) Disorders of Psychological Development ICD category F80-F89
F80- Specific developmental disorders of speech and language
F81- Specific developmental disorders of Scholastic skills
F82- Specific developmental disorders of motor function
F83- Mixed specific developmental disorders
F84- Pervasive developmental disorders
F85- Other disorders of psychological development
F89- Unspecified disorder of psychological development.
10) Behavioral and Emotional Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence ICD Category F90-F99
F90- Hyperkinetic Disorders
F91- Conduct Disorders
F92- Mixed Disorders of conduct and emotions
F93- Emotional Disorders with onset specific to childhood
F94- Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence.
F95- Tic Disorders.
F98- Other Behavioral and Emotional Disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence.
F99- Unspecified mental disorder( not otherwise specified)
Resource- Psychopathology by Dr. Vineet Anand and Ramji srivastava
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