Q. Which organisation prepares the HDI?
Ans- HDI is prepared by UNDP.
Q. On what factors in HDI based?
Ans- a) Educational levels of people b) Health status of People c) Per Capita Income.
Q. Which criteria is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank?
Ans- Per Capita Income.
Q. Which criteria is the basis to measure the development of a country according to the World Bank?
Ans- Life expectancy at birth,per capita income and Literacy rate in the country.
Q. How can we determine the development of a country?
Ans- By its per capita income.
Q. What is meant by sustained Development?
Ans- It is the development which takes care of the needs of the present generation without compromising with the needs of the next generations.
Q. What is average income?
Ans- Average income is the total income of the country divided by its total population. It is also called per capita income.
Q. Explain the term 'National Income'?
Ans- It is sum of value of final goods produced within the country and income from foreign factors.
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