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social science (CIVICS) class 10 NCERT BASED


Class 10 Chapter--Power Sharing

1.Which of the following statements is false?

a)In 1956,an act was passed which declared Sinhala as the official language.

b)A preferential policy of favouring Sinhalas for university education and government jobs was put forward.

c)State protected and fostered Buddhism under the Act.

d) Regional autonomy was given to the Tamils.


 2. Which is not one of the forms of power sharing?

a) horizontal division of power b) vertical division of power

c) Division of power among social groups d) Division of power between people


3.Define the following terms:

a) power sharing

b) majoritarianism


 Power Sharing- When the power does not rest with any one organ of the state rather it is shared among legislature,executive and judicicary.

Majoritarianism- Majority community rules the country in its own way by disregarding the wishes and needs of the majority.

4. What is the main difference between prudential reasons for power sharing and  moral reasons for power sharing?

ans- Prudential reasons stress that power sharing will bring out better outcomes,while moral reasons emphasis the very act of power sharing as valuable.

5. Mention any three provisions of the Act which was passed in Sri Lanka in 1956 to establish Sinhala  supremacy.


a) Sinhala to be the official language of Sri lanka.

b) Preferential policy of Sinhalese in government educational institutions and jobs.

c) Any other relevant point.

6. What do you mean by the 'Prudential'?

answer- Prudential is based on careful calculation of gains and losses.

7.What is checks and Balance system?

answer- A system in which each organ of the government checks the others which results in a balance of power among various institutions.

8. Explain community government.

answer-This government exists in Belgium. It is elected by the people belongings to one language community--Dutch,French and German speaking -no matter where they live. This government has the power to decide cultural,educational and language related issues.

9. Explain Eelam.

Answer- An independent Tamil state in the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka demanded by the Sri Lankan Tamils.

10. Reserved constituencies.

Answer- Constituencies that are reserved in Assemblies and the Parliament for minorities in order to give them a fair share in power.


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