1. Resource& Development
Class 10th
"There is enough for everybody's need and not for anybody's greed". Who said these words?
a) PT. Jawahar Lal Nehru
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Vinoba Bhave
2. What is total geographical area of India?
a) 3.28 million sq.km
b) 3.26 million sq. km
c) 3.38 million sq. Km
3. Two states where over irrigation is responsible for land degradation.
a) Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
b) Punjab and Haryana
c) Jharkhand & Madhya Pradesh
4. The Soil which develops on crystalline igneous rocks.
a) Red Soil
b) Alluvial soil
C) laterite soil
4. A mineral in which the black soil is poor
a) Phosphoric contents
b) Nitrogen
c) Humus
5. Which type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast?
a) Alluvial soil
b) Red soil
c) black soil
6. Alluvial soil is rich in
a) potash and lime
b) potassium
c Nitrogen and lime
7. Barley and rahi associated with
a) Desert soil
b) Laterite soil
c) Black soil
8) Red Soil formed by
a) sediments deposited
b) crystalline and metamorphic rocks
9) Which soil is called regur soil?
10) What is Rill erosion?
1. a) Mahatma Gandhi
2. a) 3.28 million sq km
3. b) Punjab and Haryana
4. a) Phosphoric content
5. Alluvial soil
6. a) Potash and lime
7.desert soil
8) b) crystalline and metamorphic rocks
9) black soil
10) This is the second stage of sheet erosion.if
erosion continues unchecked for a sufficient time,rills or small finger- shaped grooves which are a few centimetres in depth,may develop in landscape.
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