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Is suicide a choice?

 The Suicidal Mind-

" The primary goal of a suicide is not to end life,but to end pain".

" Choice  implies that a suicidal person can reasonably look at alternatives and select among them. If they could rationally choose,it would not be suicide. Suicide happens when... No other choices are seen." - Adina Wrobleski, Suicide: Why( 1995)

Many times a question,occupy much of our thoughts that " why did they do it?" 

The Condition vs. The Catalyst- Most suicides are occasioned by a “catalyst” event: the breakup of a relationship, losing a job or learning of bad news. Misconceptions arise when we  mistake one of these isolated events for the cause of the suicide. Instead, it is more likely just the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” Scratch the surface and you will likely findy years of emotional distress that comprise the suicide victim’s condition.”

That condition may be evident in some of these ways-

 a) Emotional illness- Up to 70% ofp People who die by suicide may suffer from what psychiatrists call an “affective illness” such as major depression or bipolar disorder.

b)Prior attempts- Often disguised as reckless behavior, many suicide victims have a history of prior attempts.

 c)Morbid thoughts- Many suicidal people are unusually comfortable with the idea of death, or convinced that a dark fate awaits them.

d) Hypersensitivity to pain-  Suicidal individuals often exhibit disproportionate emotional reactions to problems and choice implies that a hardships—sometimes even to the hardships of others. Some go to great lengths to help others because they simply cannot bear the idea of pain, even if it is not their own.

Suicide is rarely a sudden occurence,it is far more often, the result of a long, debilitating breakdown of an individual's emotional health.The suicidal person has a distorted view of world.

Resource- (American Association of Suicidology)


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