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Short Answer Questions.

1. Define Home Science.

Ans- Home science is an art of managing the available resources efficiently and judiciously as well as the science of achieving a healthy and happy home with the successful career with it.

Definitions of Home Science-

According  To  Dr. A.H. Richards- '' A special subject dealing with income and expenditure of family, cleanliness of food,adequacy of clothing,proper choice of house etc.

According to Lady Irwin College,Delhi- ''As a practical science which makes the students to leads his family life successfully and solve social and economic problems easily and well.''

2. Give four reasons for the importance of Home Science in our life.

Ans-Importance of Home Science-

a) Home science education develops qualities needed for responsible citizenship.

b) The becomes efficient to nurture and take care of the young, to foster their healthy growth and development.

c) Home Science education helps one to start self- employment and become a wage earner at younger age.

d) To make the family life suitable foe changing national, international and social conditions.

3. Discuss the five streams of Home Science.

Ans- Five Streams Of Home Science-

a) Communication and Extension- The stream is a combination of two areas for example communication which emphasis communication skills along with essential theoretical knowledge and training in communication and media. Another field is extension which aims at improving the lives of underprivileged in terms of knowledge, skills and material resources.

b) Fabric And Apparel science-  FAS  encase subject like fabric science and textiles,dyeing and printing,apparel design and construction,textile design,marketing and merchandising. It includes the knowledge regarding fiber science, clothing construction,fabric finishes,care of clothes, selection and buying of clothes according to income,age,seasons,occupation, colour, design,storage of clothes etc.

c)Food and Nutrition- It includes the detailed information regarding the food,nutrition,the constitutents of food,nutritional deficiencies and ways of overcoming them,and functions of food in the body,scientific facts about the nature of food,meal planning for an individual and family members.

d) Human Development- The changing dynamic of families including both parents in the workforce,single parenting either by life events or by choice or blended families due to remarriage means that its more important than ever before to teach child care and parenting skills since today's  families have different needs and challenges.

e) Resources Management- It includes the selection,construction,cleanliness of the house, maintenance of household goods,prevention of household insects, etc.


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