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Memory:Memory and Its Process


Human memory is like a computer which allows us to store information for later use but the major difference between humans and computers in terms of memory has to do with how the information is stored.

Process of memory-

According to the information processing model of memory four major processes are-

  1. Attention 

  2. Encoding 

  3. Storage

  4. Retrieval

The process of holding information in sensory memory is divided into two types of memory-

  1. Short term Memory 

  2. Long term memory 

Short Term Memory-

Short term memory takes over when the information in our sensory memory is transferred to our consciousness or our awareness information is currently active such as reading this page,talking to a friend or writing a paper. Short term memory can last longer than sensory memory up to 30 seconds or so,  but it has a very limited capacity.

Long Term Memory-

Long term memory is  relatively permanent and practically unlimited in terms of its storage capacity. It's been argued that we have enough space in our long term memory to memorize phone numbers, postal codes etc.

Types of Memory 

Long term memory is not a single large storage bin. A number of distinct memory system exist within long term 


Two main divisions within long-term memory and declarative( explicit)  and nondeclarative( implicit).

Declarative memory stores facts and knowledge about oneself and the world and can be further divided into semantic and episodic memory. 

Semantic Memory- stores general knowledge about the world and suggests facts, concepts and ideas.

Episodic  Memory- stores information about personal life experiences and events such as first college day,one's  first date,one's personal experiences such as earthquake or where one was when they were told something important. 

Flashbulb Memories- refers to highly vivid and detailed memories that endure over long periods of time.  They are typically associated with dramatic and emotional events in one's life.

Procedural Memory-

Stores information about skills and how to do things such as how to ride a bike, how to drive and how to type.

Priming occurs when prayer prior exposure to a stimulus influences the processing of new information even if we do not consciously remember the prior exposure. In essence,the prior exposure to the stimulus serves as a prime to the processing and interpretation of subsequent information.


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